1st Day Of CITU Working Committee Meeting

CITU Working Committee meeting started its three day session starting from today – 22nd April 2022 to 24th April 2022 at Bhakna Bhawan, Chandigarh. In the sidelines of Working Committee meeting, the meeting of the Working Committee Tier of All India Cordination Committee of Working Women was held at Cheema Bhavan. Com.Mercykutty Amma , Vice – President of CITU, presided over the meeting. CITU General Secretary Com.Tapan Sen, delivered the inagural speech. The National Convenor Com.A.R.Sindhu presented the report. After the delebration the report was adopted. It was decided that 12th National Convention of All India Cordination Committee of Working Women, will be held at Kolkata on 21st and 22nd of May 2022. With the concluding speech of Com.Hemalata the Working Women Coordination Committee meeting ended.

The formal inaguration of the plenary session of CITU Working Committee started with the flag hoisting by the President Hemalata at Bhakhna Bhawan, Chandigarh followed by the floral tributes to the martyrs column and also to Com.Lenin portrait on his 152nd birth anniversary. Com.Tapan Sen, General Secretary CITU proposed the committes for the smooth conduct of the buisness of the working committee, the committeess are accepted by the all working committee members. Welcoming the  members, reception committee Chairperson Comrade Usha Rani emphasised on revolutinary leagacy of Punjab in general and Chandigarh in particular. She said after the formation of CITU IN 1970, Chandigarh was the fisrt place to hoist CITU flag in Pfizer pharma multinational company alongwith some other units, Chandigarh was the main centre of Trade Union Movement in Parwanoo, Pinjore, Surajpur, Panchkula etc, and center of great struggles of employees of Punjab, Haryana and central govt. employees. She reminded during days of khalistani terroism many of CITU leaders in Mohali, Kharar, Derabasi etc. were eliminited by terroists but CITU flag was kept high.

While delivering the Presidential address, CITU President Comrade K Hemalata  thanked Punjab State Committee of CITU for hosting and making very good arrangements for this important CITU Working Committee meeting. She congratulated the working class of the country, who have participated in the strike and the huge demonstrations, rallies, picketing, road and rail blockades despite the threats, intimidation and victimisation by the employers and the corporate servile governments. She thanked thank the SamyuktaKisanMorcha for reiterating their support to the general strike and calling for ‘Rural Hartal’. In several states, members of our fraternal organisations of peasants and agricultural workers, AIKS and AIAWU have actively participated in the campaign as well as the protest programmes on the days of the strike. She said, This strike on 28-29 March was the 21st country wide general strike after the official advent of neoliberalism in our country, in addition to innumerable sectoral strikes. What we need to introspect when we analyse this strike, is, how far have we, who have been in the forefront in the planning as well as executing all these strikes starting from the first one, have been able to raise the class consciousness of the working class of our country about the character of the present society, the need to change it and the role of the working class in it? What were the efforts that we have made towards achieving this and what are the results? Our examination of the strike should be on these lines. She added, This strike is part of the global struggles and strikes of the working class. Workers in almost all the countries in the world are fighting to improve their conditions and regain their hard won rights, which are under attack by the international finance dictated neoliberal policies followed by the pro corporate governments in their countries. Hemalata said, The world could not come out of the global crisis of 2008-09 when the Covid pandemic struck and pushed the world into deeper crisis. Job losses, falling incomes and deteriorating working conditions for vast majority of the toiling people has brought down their purchasing power. Neo-liberalism’s prescriptions ostensibly to address the crisis but meant for profitmaximisation, themselves, create conditions for a protracted capitalist crisis. Their focus on intensifying exploitation of the working people fails to improve the purchasing power of the people, depresses demand and curtails growth. 

Criticising the anti people anti workers anti farmers policies of Central Govt, Hemalata said, The BJP and its ideological mentor, the fascist RSS, which have absolutely no role in the country’s struggle for independence that united the nation and our people, are now doing everything to disrupt that unity using religion, region, language, caste etc. During this period, we have witnessed how the different outfits of RSS have been raising the issues of Hijab, halal meat, space for traders for setting up their shops near temples, azan etc in Karnataka and how the cinema Kashmir Files depicting partisan version of the sufferings of Kashmiri pandits was used to create animosities against Muslims. In several states, armed processions with provocative slogans were held on Ram Navami by the RSS outfits to incite communal clashes with the complicity of the police and the administration. Thus attention is diverted from all the burning livelihood issues of people, the continuous rise in the price of petrol, diesel, cooking gas etc leading to the rise in prices of all the essential commodities, the alarming levels of unemployment and deteriorating conditions of the workers and toiling people. 

Hemalata said, this meeting will discuss the ways to fulfil those unfinished tasks, particularly those related to organisational strengthening including development of cadres and increasing membership during the intervening period up to the 17th conference. This should create confidence, not only among our cadres and members, but also among the entire working class of our country that we can unitedly challenge, fight and defeat the anti worker anti people and anti national policies of the BJP government led by Modi. By voicing the demands of not only the workers, but of all sections of toiling people, by mobilising not only workers but taking initiative to mobilise the workers, peasants and agricultural workers on their common demands and projecting alternatives to the discredited neoliberal policies – this is how we have to galvanise all sections of toiling people into struggles against the disastrous neoliberal policies and the corporate communal agenda of the Modi government.

The Working Committee unanimously passed an important resolution on ‘Uphold Class Unity; Defeat Communal Polarisation’ which  was moved by  K N Umesh and was seconded by Pramod Pradhan.

CITU General Secretary Tapan Sen placed the General Secretary report, Working committee members started their discuusion on report, Working comitee meeting will be continuing till 24th April.

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