CITU Functioning in Industry-wise Federations in India

At present the following 11 industrial federations are functioning at the national level:

1. All India Plantation Workers’ Federation
2. Steel Workers’ Federation of India
3. Water Transport Workers’ Federation of India
4. All India Coal Workers’ Federation
5. Construction Workers’ Federation of India
6. All India Road Transport Workers’ Federation
7. Electricity Employees’ Federation of India
8. All India Federation of Anganwadi Workers and Helpers
9. All India Beedi Workers’ Federation
10. All India Midday Meal Workers’ Federation
11. Federation of Medical and Sales Representatives’ Associations of India

In addition, CITU cadres have also been working in or leading independent united federations such as Petroleum and Natural Gas Workers’ Federation of India etc. CITU along with AIKS has formed the All India Fishers and Fisheries Workers’ Federation. We have also formed national level coordination committees to expand our organisation in certain sections of the working class. The All India Coordination Committee of Working Women has been functioning since the last nearly forty years. We have formed the national level coordination committee for expanding our work among the unorganised sector workers. Since almost all our state committees have expanded the work in the unorganised sector and our membership of unorganised sector workers in total membership of CITU has reached more than 60%, we are now focussing on forming trade/ segment wise unions of the unorganised workers in the states. We have formed the All India Coordination Committee for ASHA Workers which has helped in the expansion of our work among the ASHAS in many states. The coordination committee for central public sector trade unions has been functioning since long. A few years back national coordination committee of Coca Cola employees’ union has been formed. Efforts are being made to form such national level coordination committees in some other sectors like distilleries and breweries, automobile manufacturing workers’ unions, automobile component suppliers workers unions etc and to reactivate the national coordination of committees of the railway contract workers’ unions and the cement workers’ unions, textile workers’ unions etc.

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