masdoor kisan sangharsh rally (12)
‘Legally guaranteed minimum support price at C2+50%’ as recommended by the M S Swaminathan chaired National Commission for Farmers has become a household demand of the peasantry across the country today-thanks to the prolonged and massive united struggles of the peasantry during the last two and a half decades especially in the context of unending indebtedness and peasant suicide. Thus, the united peasant movement has succeeded to bring the agrarian question at all India level. No political party can ignore the agrarian crisis now without facing the brunt of peasant anger. In the neo-liberal period of reforms, on the one…
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masdoor kisan sangharsh rally
We the workers, peasants and agricultural workers of India are going to storm Delhi, the capital city of our great republic, in this 75th anniversary year of our independence from the British Imperialism, demanding pro-people policies to ensure basic right to food, health, education, employment and fair and remunerative prices for our produce and fair and living wages for our work. We are demanding a life of dignity, security, free of fear and hatred towards each other. Instead of ensuring these bare minimum, the current BJP government controlled by the RSS is taking away whatever we have achieved through years…
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masdoor kisan sangharsh rally
Mazdoor-Kisan Adhikar Mahadhiveshan National Convention on the Rights of Workers and Peasants 5thSeptember 2022, Talkatora Stadium, New Delhi Declaration We the workers, peasants and agricultural workers of India, gathered in this national convention at the call of the Centre of Indian Trade Unions(CITU), All India Kisan Sabha (AIKS)and All India Agricultural Workers’ Union(AIAWU), on the fourth anniversary of the historic Mazdoor Kisan Sangharsh Rally held on 5th September 2018, declare our resolve to strengthen our united struggle to protect the interests of the workers, peasants and agricultural workers, who through their labour produce the wealth of our country. Representing the…
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masdoor kisan sangharsh rally
Though the Unemployment and Income Disparity have always been the two most horrible parameters exposing the structural problem of the system from the very beginning of the Neoliberal Regime, now, at this current juncture, they have become severely acute – blatantly depicting the crisis of the System itself. The global unemployment rate has disastrously increased by 30% in the era of neoliberal globalization with 75 million unemployed youths searching for jobs all around the world. And with prediction of unavoidable recession in coming years, even neoliberal-imperialist global agencies like World Bank or IMF are also projecting the figure of 657…
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masdoor kisan sangharsh rally
Health is our Right. But in India it is not recognized as a fundamental right in the Indian Constitution. Most provisions related to health are in Part-IV –i.e., in the Directive Principles of State Policies that is not obligatory on the part of state to implement. In 1990s India had “liberalized” its economy which meant opening it to international markets, leading to mass-scale privatization of public services and goods. Moreover, it advocated state withdrawal from sphere of public services like health. Accordingly they had directed the third world governments to reorient public health spending for selective health programme for targeted…
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masdoor kisan sangharsh rally
Hunger and starvation deaths loom large as food security comes under severe threat! India is the country with the largest number of people facing chronic hunger. According to Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO), 22.4 crore people in India suffered from chronic hunger in 2019-21. No other country in the world has such a large number of people facing hunger. As per FAO estimates, about 56 crore people, i.e. 40.6% of the population in India suffered from moderate to severe food insecurity in 2019-21. The proportion of the population that is severely food insecure in the country has risen from 20.3%…
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masdoor kisan sangharsh rally
MNREGA has proved its worth in providing employment in rural India even during the years of economic slowdown as well as pandemic lockdown. It has helped the poorest and most oppressed sections of the rural masses to survive, while at the same time preventing general wages of the agricultural workers and rural labour from declining. The Economic Survey of India 2023-23 also credited MNREGA for having positive impact on the income per household, agricultural productivity and production related expenditure. But BJP Government and Prime Minister Narendra Modi who are committed to implement neoliberal economic policies are not acknowledging these facts.…
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masdoor kisan sangharsh rally
Modi Budget in Amrit Kaal: Poison for the Common People! Amrit for the Corporates! Arise in Anger! Join the Mazdoor Kisan Sangharsh Rally on 5th April 2023! The budget 2023-24 was the last full budget for the Modi led BJP government as Parliament elections are due in the first half of 2024. Being a pre election budget, people expected that at least in this budget some measures would be announced that would provide relief; that their burning issues like unemployment, price rise etc would be addressed. Such impression was fuelled by some sections in the media. But their expectations were…
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masdoor kisan sangharsh rally
One of the chief defining characters of the present political dispensation’s economic governance, inter alia, is its intransient push for rolling-out the labour reforms in India. The BJP government, immediately after assuming power at the Centre, embarked upon labour law codifications exercise, a euphemism for corporate unbridled process of profit maximisation at the cost of labour, so as to overhaul the entire gamut of capital-labour relations to the tune of neo-liberal regime. It is well acknowledged that super-profiteering by capital is dependent on the flexibility that exists within labour relations. Such flexibility has been made more ruthless by the so…
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masdoor kisan sangharsh rally
The current struggles of the people of various sections of India against notorious attempts of privatization of electricity might be the most prominent embodiment of Mazdoor-Kisans’ slogan of resistance and defiance. The latest instance is obviously the valiant victory of united struggle of Maharashtra electricity workers and people against the criminal intrusion of Adani in most revenue generating distribution areas. In November 2021, finally after prolong head-on battle with the corporate-Modi government duo, the historic Kisan struggle compelled the government to bow down and issue written declaration not to go for Electricity (Amendment) Bill along with repealing of three draconian…
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masdoor kisan sangharsh rally
Talking Point – 1 Mazdoor-Kisan Sangharsh Rally-2 CITU-AIKS-AIAWU 5th April 2022 Pension is not charity. It is a basic right of people who have contributed all their lives to the development of society, to lead dignified lives in their old age without being at the mercy of others. It is the responsibility of any elected government to ensure universal old age pension to all its citizens. India does not have any universal social security system to protect its working people. Several pension schemes do exist covering different sections of population like the non-governmental organised sector workers, the government employees, farmers,…
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masdoor kisan sangharsh rally
The working class movement is facing tremendous challenges as well as opportunities Tapan Sen There is continuing systemic crisis of the capitalist order and its retrograde reflections on all aspects - political, economic and societal governance; in the authoritarian and divisive onslaughts by the ruling classes powered by corporate-communal nexus in governance in all fronts with clear fascistic intent. The voice of disapproval and unrest of working people is becoming louder and widespread, bringing forth the reality of determined organised combat. We must vigorously work to bring this reality into concrete action by intensifying the united struggles both at sectoral…
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masdoor kisan sangharsh rally