Workers ready to make National General Strike 8th January 2020 A grand success, More than 25 crore to participate

The Central Trade Unions (CTUs) namely INTUC, AITUC, HMS, CITU, AIUTUC, TUCC, SEWA, AICCTU, LPF, UTUC along with various sectoral independent federations and associations had adopted a declaration in its National Open Mass Convention of Workers held on 30th September 2019, at Parliament Street, New Delhi, chalking out programme of campaign at various levels in stages to culminate in a National General Strike on 8th January 2020, (The declaration is attached which lists all concerns of the national strike action)

The campaign has been carried out successfully with state level joint conventions in almost all the states, industry wise sectoral unions’ national meetings, regional and district level conventions in some states, padyatras and jatha campaign in some of the states on the issues of strike etc. Apart from these joint activities in preparations of strike, all the constituents of CTUs conducted campaign on their own through their organised units at different level. Disbursal of several lakhs of posters, handbills, pamphlets jointly and independently by respective CTUs, by, federations/associations and by the respective unions as well was part of the extensive campaign. The strike notices have been served by the unions after such decision already taken in case of defence railways,

The Ministry of Labour failed to assure on any of the demands of workers which called a meeting on 2nd January 2020. The attitude of the Government is that of contempt towards labour as we construe from its policies and actions.  It is more than 4 years, there is no Indian Labour conference since the last held in July 2015. The last meeting held with Group of Ministers constituted to discuss 12 point charter of demands was held in August 2015. Since then nothing proceeded in that regard. Total disregard to Tripartism and Bipartism is the policy of this Government, as is expressive from its bulldozing the labour laws & forced codification with total disregard to any of the views of the trade unions.

The Government failing to tackle crises ridden economy is busy in privatizing and selling PSUs, natural resources and other national assets which is detrimental to the national interest and national development. 12 Airports are already sold out to private hands, 100% sale of Air India is already decided, decision to sell BPCL taken, BSNL-MTNL merger announced  and 93600 telecom workers already thrown out of jobs under the garb of VRS. The privatization of railways is being pursued in steps, the auctioning of platforms is on,  attempts to privatize railway production units being made, almost 150 private trains planned to be run at the cost of services to the common man and efficient running of trains by Indian railways, there is decision to corporatize 49 defence production units deferred  for the time being in face of opposition of unions, forcible merger of Banks despite opposition from employees and officers unions, 100% FDI in coal sector also on the cards after such decisions in case of defence, railways, pharmaceuticals, animal husbandry, security services, retail trade etc. Privatization of power and road transport as well as encouragement to private insurance companies of Indian and foreign origin to weaken our public sector in insurance are being pursued. It is a policy to put the national assets and resources on sale.

It is heartening to note that the joint platform of more than 175 farmers and agricultural workers unions came together in National Convention on 29-30 November, 2019 and decided to extend their support to workers demands and to observe 8th January 2020 as Gramin Bharart Bandh along with their charter of demands. They are pursuing their campaign.

Another great additions of convergence action on that day is the declaration by about 60 organisations of students and elected office bearers of some universities to extend their solidarity and with their agenda in regard to raised fee structures and opposition to commercialization of education, having decided to join the strike action on 8th January 2020. There have been attacks on students and teachers in various university campuses, the latest one being yesterday night, the brutal attack by motivated goons on students-teachers of JNU. We condemn such attacks and express our solidarity with students and teachers all over India.

We expect participation of not less than 25 crore of working people in the forth coming National General Strike on 8th January 2020, to be followed by many more actions seeking reversal of the anti-worker, anti-people, anti-national policies of the Government.  

INTUC  |  AITUC  |  HMS  |  CITU  |  AIUTUC  |  TUCC  |  SEWA  |  AICCTU  |  LPF  |  UTUC

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