Protest against the attack on the JNU students by ABVP goons

Centre of Indian Trade Unions (CITU) strongly condemns the brutal and barbaric attacks by the ABVP goons on the students of JNU including the President of JNUSU, Aishe Ghosh today evening.  The ABVP- RSS goons from outside entered hostels even the girls hostels and indiscriminately attacked the students with sharp weapons.

The teachers were also attacked. Around 18 students got injured and fifteen are in AIIMS trauma center. Many including Aishie got head injuries. Two students got serious injuries. Two faculty members have been injured and one is admitted.

In last few days, the ABVP people were continuously attacking the students who are on a struggle for the past 70 days. Today, 5 January,
around two hundred RSS - ABVP goons from outside entered the campus and attacked a gathering organized by the JNUTA for peace in the campus.
The  police was called but they were not preventing the attackers but rather facilitating them. We strongly condemn the attitude of Delhi police and JNU administration for facilitating the RSS criminals.

CITU calls upon all its state committees, affiliated unions, members and the people of the country to immediately protest against these attacks. This attacks shows the desperation of the RSS led right wing forces who are getting isolated from the people by the growing protests against the CAA and the anti people policies of the government.

Issued by
Tapan  Sen
General Secretary

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