The joint Platform of Central Trade Union - Statement

The joint Platform of Central Trade Union Organisations term the so-called  tripartite consultations by the Ministry of Labour.  Govt. of India, as Farce. They again demand physical meetings with adequate duration.

The Joint Platform of Central Trade Union Organisations have written a letter to the Minister for Labour and Employment, responding to yet another invitation for video conference proposed for 12th January on framing of rules on the Code on Social Security and Code on Occupational Health and Safety and Working Conditions.

The government has failed to take cognizance of our previous letter addressed on 22nd December demanding physical meetings for discussion on such a serious matter which would have long lasting adverse impact on the lives of more than 50 crores work force of our country and the negation of collective bargaining as a core fundamental right of workers. (The letters dated 22nd December 2020 and 9th January 2021 attached). We have been critical of adoption of labour codes by flouting all Parliamentary norms without discussion in absence of the entire opposition from the Parliament and without Tripartite consultations. Instead of taking our objections seriously, the government is trying to create a farce of Tripartite consultations by setting up this kind of video conference when we know that the physical meetings of the government at various levels are taking place including the negotiations with the farmers as well as the election preparation rallies in various states etc. One can understand if along with the physical meeting a few of those who find it difficult to travel due to special circumstances could be provided online facility also. But to deny the serious exercise through physical meetings smells of willful anti labour instance on the part of the Government. We reiterate that we do not want to be a part of this farce. Nor the CTUs and the workers in general are going to accept the Codes as well as the rules lying down.



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