Against  the  anti-national  decision  to  splinter  the  pioneer  Defence  Industry  viz  the  220 years  old  Indian  Ordnance Factories under  the  Ministry  of  Defence  into  7 non  viable  corporations  and  then  to  privatise  the  same  taken  by  the  Modi  Government ,  the  five  Federations  of  Defence  Civilian Employees  since  all the  efforts  taken by  them  to  withdraw  the  decision  taken  in  violation  of  all the  previous  agreements  and  settlements  failed  they had  decided  to  proceed  with  an  indefinite  strike which was to  commence from  26-7-2021  demanding  to  withdraw  the Government  decision  in  the  interest of  National  security,  Defence  preparedness  and  the  service  life  of  76,000  employees.  The  Government  has  ignored  the  alternative /  robust  proposals  given by  the  Federations  for  continuing  the  Ordnance  Factories  with  the  Government  and  putting  pressure  on  the  CLC  to  windup  the  conciliation  proceedings  in the  absence of  the  3 major  recognised  Federations  on 15-6-2021  and went ahead and  took  decision  on  16-6-2021  to  slice the  Ordnance Factories  into  7  pieces.  It  is now  more  than  2  weeks  after  the CLC  submitted  the  failure  report  to  the Government.  The  Government  has  not  bothered  even  to  refer  the  disputes  raised  by the Federations  for  adjudication. 

The Government  in  the  most cowardly  manner,  instead  of  commencing dialogue with the Federations for  a  negotiated  settlement  has  acted  in a draconian  and  brutal  manner  by  deployment  of  state  power  against  its  own  employees.  We condemn the arrogance and highhandedness   of the Government at centre  The EDSO  promulgated  by  the  President  of  India  prohibits  strikes  in  essential  Defence services  which  includes  Defence production,  repair  and  maintenance  of  products  connected  with  Defence. The strike in Defence is declared as illegal and  includes  draconian  provisions  like  dismissal  from service without  even  an  inquiry, arrest  and  imprisonment  for  a  term  which  may be  extended  to  one year  or  with  fine  which may extend  to  10,000 Rupees  or  with  both.  In  the  name of  instigation  of  strike  any person  shall be  punishable  with  imprisonment  for  a  term  which may  extend  to  2  years  or  with  fine  which may  extend  to  15,000 Rupees  or  with  both.

The  most  draconian  law  which  post  independence  has  witnessed  in  this  country.  The Central Trade  Unions  terms  this  EDSO  as  draconian,  brutal,  retrograde,  undemocratic  anti  worker  and  is  not  acceptable  to  the  working  class of  this  country.  The Central Trade  Unions  urges  upon  the Government  of  India  to immediately  withdraw  its  decision  since  it  takes  away  the  legal  rights of  an  employee  to  participate in  a  strike  under  the  Industrial  Dispute  Act  1947  after  following  all  the procedures  laid  down  in  the  Act. The five federations in the Defence sector met on first july in the background of new development and adopted resolution and decided to observe 8th july 2021, the day they were to serve strike notice, as Nationwide protest  day as Black Day. They have also decided to legal course including to approach ILO.

 The Central Trade  Unions  call upon the  entire  working  class  of  the country  to stand up  and  protest  against  this  unprecedented  action  of  the  Modi Government  and  leaving  to  the  mercy of  the  Government  the  status  of  the  76,000 employees of  the  41  Ordnance Factories who were  recruited  as  Defence Civilian Employees / Central Government Employees  under  Article 309  of  the Constitution  of  India.  The joint platform of  Central Trade  Unions  stands  in solidarity  with  the  Defence  workers  and extends support to their action programmes to save the sensitive defence industry and its work force in the national interest.                   

 INTUC                               AITUC                             HMS                              CITU                                 AIUTUC

TUCC                        SEWA                                AICCTU                               LPF                             UTUC

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