Joint Press Release CITU, AlKS, AlAWU, AIDWA, DYFI, SFI

Join the SKM to Celebrate the Historic Victory of Farmers Struggle on 11th December 2021

The historic victory of the farmers struggle marks the success of democracy over the corporate driven authoritarian and communal forces that dictate the Modi Government.

This great victory of the peasantry and working class over the corporate and neo-liberal forces will further strengthen democracy, secularism and plural culture of India. This will also strengthen the struggles of various sections of the society against the neoliberal policies.

We appeal to the entire people in our country to join SKM to make the victory celebrations massive on 11th December 2021, across India and also at the Delhi Borders.

Let us celebrate with colours, balloons, musical instruments, flags, road shows, distribution of sweets in every village, town and city.

All sections of the people - farmers, workers, agricultural workers, women, youth and students, teachers, employees, traders, entrepreneurs, lawyers, doctors, journalists, intellectuals, cultural activists etc. are invited to join the celebrations tomorrow.

With greetings,

Tapan Sen    Hannan Mollah      B Venkat      Marium Dhawale    Abhay Mukherjee   Mayukh Biswas
  CITU               AlKS                 AlAWU                AIDWA                 DYFI                      SFI

Issued by,
General Secretary, CITU

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