The Centre of Indian Trade Unions   denounces the  direly undemocratic act of suspension of 12 opposition MPs in Rajya Sabha on ground of so called alleged unruly behaviour in the house during the last session of Parliament.  Suspended MPs  also include Elamaram Kareem, National Secretary of CITU among others. 

In fact on the concerned day, the legitimate demand of the opposition MPs for structured discussion on General Insurance Amendment Bill, aimed at privatization/disinvestment of public sector General Insurance Companies  as listed in the Business and also the legitimate demand for voting on the Bill were denied in a most undemocratic manner on unfounded pleas.

Suspension of the opposition MPs for the entire winter session on such unfounded pleas tantamount to trampling underfoot the basic democratic norms and  the parliamentary process itself. In the current session of Parliament  the BJP Govt has planned number of destructive legislations like Bank Nationalisation Amendment Bill, Electricity Amendment Bill, PFRDA Amendment Bill etc –all designed to push through its aggressive privatization drive. Suspension of opposition MPs is also aimed at facilitating that process.

CITU condemns such authoritarian onslaught of the Govt on democratic institutions and democratic rights of the people and calls upon the toiling people to raise their voice of protest against such authoritarian and anti-people destructive policies of the Govt through united countrywide struggles of resistance  against the anti-people and anti-democratic policy regime. 

Issued by
(Tapan Sen)
General Secretary

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