CITU denounces the statement of Union Labour Minister in G-20 meet

Labour Minister Statement in G -20 Meet: Just Public Relations Exercise While in Practice it’s otherwise

Centre of Indian Trade Union (CITU) has termed the statement of Indian Labour and Employment Minister Statement in the G - 20 Labour & Employment Ministers ' Meet at Bali Indonesia as a Public Relation Exercise while in practice the Indian Govt is working quite opposite to it.

While the Minister has said the employment conditions of workers  have to be strengthened for a strong  and resilient post covid recovery the Labour codes enacted during covid lock down time in India shall  destroy the whatever meager employment conditions prevailed for all these years for the workers.

The so claimed social security code has in practice preemptively destroyed the cess based social security that was prevailing for the beedi workers and mines workers and has only left them at lurch. The employers are at benefit due to this social security code while the vast section of the workers will be really out of the social security net.

Minister's Statement has stressed for robust policies for employment generation, enhanced social protection, skill development and formalisation while obviously his govt is just doing the opposite promoting employment degeneration together with greater informalisation of the economy, degeneration of social protection and the entire degenerating process has been institutionalised by Labour Codes.

CITU strongly terms the ministerial statement as nothing more than a public relation posture by a hypocritical anti-people Govt.

Issued by
(Tapan Sen)
General Secretary


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