CITU extends full support to the ongoing heroic strike action from 11th October 2022 at Yamaha Motors Private Ltd at Kanchipuram

CITU extends full support to the ongoing heroic strike action from 11th October 2022 at Yamaha Motors Private Ltd at Kanchipuram, Tamil Nadu against the brazenly anti- worker wages and working conditions sought to be imposed on the workers by the management through so called agreement with its pet union which does not represent the mass of the workers at all.

The philistine ploy to break the CITU led union - Yahama Motor Thizhilalar Sangam got thoroughly exposed when overwhelming majority of the workers of India Yamaha Motors joined the strike in contemptuous rejection of the so called deal between the Yamaha MGT and their pets under the garb of one union.

CITU fully supports the demands of the workers for recognition of IYMTS and all its office bearers, scrap the anti worker deal between MGT and its pet entity and demands upon the state labour dept and government to intervene to prevent the management from its unlawful, conspiratorial anti worker acts with strong hand.

CITU, while conveying solidarity to the struggling workers congratulates the union and the mass of the Yamaha workers for their determined strike action on their legitimate demands and for justice and dignity.

Tapan Sen
General Secretary

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