Anganwadi Workers and helpers Observe ‘Dhoka Diwas’ on 26 May

Hundreds of anganwadi workers and helpers burnt the BJP election Manifesto for the 2014 Parliament elections on 26 May 2017, the third anniversary of the NDA government observing it as “Dhoka Diwas” as per the call of AIFAWH.

On Page 22 of the Manifesto for 2014 Lok Sabha Elections, BJP promises to
“Review the working conditions and enhance the remuneration of Anganwadi worker's.” But, Narendra Modi became the first and only one Prime Minister of India who cut down the budget of ICDS to half in his first full budget in 2015-16. From Rs.18108 crores (Budget Estimate)in 2014-15 to a mere Rs.8245.77crores. Later on our struggles forced the government to increase the budget through supplementary grants. But in 2016-17 and 2017-18 also the budget allocations are half of that of the Planning Commission allocation for ICDS.
The government is strongly objecting to the recommendations of the 45th Indian Labour Conference to recognise the ‘scheme workers including anganwadi workers and helpers as workers, to pay them minimum wages and provide social security and pension.
The Minister for WCD clearly told in the Parliament that it is not possible for her to increase the remuneration of anganwadi workers and helpers. ICDS is in crisis in many states due to resource crunch due to the budget cut. In many states large scale privatisation is going on in ICDS.
In this background AIFAWH had decided to observe the third anniversary of Modi government as “Dhoka Diwas”.

In Assam, where Modi was celebrating the third anniversary of his government , more than twenty thousand anganwadi workers and helpers protested in 17 districts wearing black dress. In 20 states in nearly thousand places (districts and projects) anganwadi employees burnt the BJP manifesto. In many places, the agitated workers burnt the effigies of PM also.
In Gujarat BJP election manifesto was burnt in many places. In Rajkot, the anganwadi workers and helpers were arrested by the police.

AIFAWH congratulate the anganwadi workers and helpers for the successful programme in registering the protest throughout the country, mobilizing people against the much media propagated “development of the government”.

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