CITU condemns Haryana Government invoking ESMA against the Striking Doctors.

Centre of Indian Trade Unions (CITU) strongly condemns the highhanded authoritarian action of the  Haryana State BJP Government by way of invoking the notorious Essential Service Maintenance Act banning the strikes for six month altogether in the health services in the wake of single day strike by the Doctors under the banner of Haryana Civil Medical Service’s Association (HCMSA) yesterday.

The Doctors went on strike demanding, inter alia,  40% quota for in-service doctors for admission to post-graduation courses and creating a specialist cadre of doctors. The health service doctors have long been pursuing their just demands, while rendering whole hearted services in the pandemic management in the state, while risking their lives and safety. The strike has been virtually imposed on the serving doctors by arraogant refusal of the State Govt to even consider their demands. The striking doctors consciously exempted the emergency services such as post-mortem and Corona duties from the strike.  Despite this, the Haryana Government known for its anti-democratic arrogance towards the working people imposed ESMA on pretext of Corona.

CITU, while again denouncing such anti-democratic arms-twisting act, urges the Haryana government to withdraw unconditionally the draconian ESMA and settle the demands of striking doctors through negotiation with their Association.

Issued by
( Tapan Sen )
General Secretary

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