Remuneration Increase for ASHA Facilitators

The AICCAW welcomes the announcement by the government that the monthly remuneration of ASHA facilitators will be increased by Rs. 1000.

In September a similar increase was announced by the Prime Minister, for ASHA workers, in recognition of their valuable contribution in the public health sector, in the NHM.  However, the increase is extremely small and far from the 45th ILC recommendation for regularisation, payment of minimum wages and provision of social security benefits and pension for all Scheme workers and so the struggle for these will continue.

The government has been compelled to make this announcement  because of the continuous struggles by these workers and also the intervention made by the General Secretary of CITU, Shri Tapan Sen, ex Rajya Sabha MP, with the Prime Minister and Health Minister.

However there appears to be some confusion regarding which section of workers this increase will apply to as there are differing reports in the media. The government should clarify this matter.   

It is also significant that the announcement has been made on the eve of assembly elections in 5 states.

The AICCAW calls upon the ASHA workers and facilitators to gear up for more intense struggles for their justified demands and to prepare fully for the two day General Strike declared by the central trade unions on 8, 9 January 2019

Issued by
Ranjana Nirula

Read 15382 times