Letter to Minister for Labour and Employment


Shri. Santosh Kumar Gangwar
Hon’ble Minister for Labour and Employment
Government of India
Shram Shaki Bhawan
New Delhi 110 001


We thank you for your invitation to a meeting to discuss matters related to our demands.

However we are constrained to express our inability to attend the meeting for the following reasons:

· The notice was not sent to all the central trade unions which have been jointly raising the demands with the government since the last several years. We strongly protest the deliberate measure to exclude INTUC, part of the joint trade union movement that has been raising the demands. This is nothing but an ill intentioned move to divide the unity of the trade unions and the workers. We advise the government to desist from such divisive tactics.

· The notice for the meeting has been sent less than 48 hours from the scheduled time of the meeting making it impossible for us to attend it. (For a meeting at 04.30pm on 03.11.2017, the invitation letter No.Z-20025/75/2017-Coord dated 01.11.2017 was sent to us at 6.24pm)

· In addition to INTUC, some other central trade unions also did not receive the notice at all. AITUC has received the invitation only today (2nd November 2017) at about 11am. This shows the non serious attitude of the ministry towards the major demands of the entire working class of the country

In view of the above, we request you to call another meeting with adequate time and proper information to all the central trade unions to discuss the 12 point charter of demands jointly raised by the entire trade union movement of the country.


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