Rs.5 Lakhs handed over to Maruti Workers Union

Expressing solidarity with the heroic struggle of Maruti workers, Tamilnadu State Committee of CITU, conducted a state wide campaign and fund collection.

On 30th January, in a function organized by the Haryana State Committee of CITU at Gurgaon, a cheque for Rs.5 lakhs was handed over to the Maruti Workers Union. In Tamilnadu, hundreds of workers have been dismissed, suspended, transferred and harassed by the employers, mainly MNCs in different parts of the state. The struggle of Hyundai workers as well as many other MNC workers have been going on for years; to establish the right to organize a trade union for themselves. And in many of the establishments struggles have been success for trade unions have been registered and even bilateral discussions are held and settlements made.

On the struggle of Maruti workers, a lot of solidarity actions were also organized in the state. Recent mobilization of workers in Haryana and the continuous struggle of Maruti workers has been taken down to the workers at the grass root level.

148 workers who are in jail for almost 2 years being denied bail and the sufferings of the women, children and other members of more than 2500 workers have caused great concern among workers. The reason given by the highest judiciary in the state is that the workers going out on bail “will hamper foreign investment”. Highly paid special advocated are appearing in the court for the Govt. to fight against the poor workers’ bail petition.

Tamilnadu State Committee of CITU sharing the pain and grief of these workers, called upon its unions to approach its members for a solidarity fund. Handbills were printed in thousands in each district and the collections were done mainly in the organized sector.

Wherever the workers were approached, they responded magnificently and contributed money. Almost every union collected much more than the quota. The collections were to be done within a few days and all the district committees completed the collection within the time given to them.

It was this amount that was handed over to the Maruti workers on 30th January.

A.Soundarrajan, President of Tamilnadu State Committee and a National Secretary went to Gurgaon along with General Secretary of CITU Tapan Sen, leaders of Haryana State CITU including its President Surinder Singh Malik, General Secretary Satbir Singh, Tyagi, General Council Member of CITU attended the function. Leaders of various unions in the area also attended the function in which large number of workers including women were present.

The Cheque was handed over to representing the Maruti Workers Union by A. Sounderrajan, amidst slogans of solidarity with the struggling workers. Sounderrajan and Tapan Sen addressed the gathering and assured solidarity and support to the workers, whenever and wherever they are on struggle.

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Secretariat’s Greetings

Central Secretariat of CITU, which met on 31st January and 1st February in New Delhi congratulated the Tamilnadu State Committee for their solidarity action and thanked the workers and employees who had extended help to the Maruti Workers.

Tamilnadu State Committee also decided to contribute Rs. 50 thousands to the struggle fund of Haryana State Committee. A cheque for this amount was handed over to General Secretary of Haryana CITU, Satbir Singh by Malathi Chittibabu on 1st February at the venue of the Secretariat meeting.

CITU Secretariat while thanking the comrades for solidarity has called upon other unions also to emulate the Tamilnadu State Committee.

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