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Centre of Indian Trade Unions (CITU) condemns the inhuman indignified treatment being meted out to the deported immigrant Indian workers by US Govt by handcuffing, chaining their legs etc. CITU notes with contempt the shameful silence of Govt of India to such atrocious and heinous treatment of the US administration to immigrant Indian workers on the plea of so called illegality and demands upon the Union Govt to act immediately to stop such inhuman process perpetrated by the US.
As per the media reports one of the deported Indian from Punjab has narrated the way they were treated and that allowed them to drag themselves to lavatories for natural calls also after insistence and were forced to eat with their handcuffs on. He further said that it was ‘worse than hell’, physically painful and mentally torturous.
Even the Govts like that of Colombia and others have reacted strongly against such inhuman treatment to the immigrants from their respective countries and took initiative in respect of their deportations. But the Indian Govt is shamefully silent, exhibiting its servility and helplessness before the USA, which is condemnable as well as unpardonable. With this indifferent attitude of the Union Govt, around 20000 Indian immigrants said to be illegal immigrants and going to be deported, will have to face further humiliating and oppressive treatment. This cannot be tolerated.
CITU urges the Union Govt to ensure necessary arrangements for Airlifting the deported Indians, mostly workers, from USA in a dignified manner and respond to the USA administration’s humiliating actions in a befitting manner as a sovereign nation safeguarding the dignity of its citizens.
Issued by,
Tapan Sen
General Secretary
The Union Budget 2025-26 presented today by the Finance Minister of the BJP/NDA Govt maintained scrupulous continuity in its brazenly pro-corporate and anti-people approach while making deceptive postures of so called pro-people and pro-growth initiatives. The Govt, quite consistent to its pro-corporate class bias, have chosen to remain totally indifferent to the stark findings of its own Economic Survey released the day before, on stark reality of wages/earnings of salaried and self-employed workers in 2023-24 still hovering below pre-pandemic level, while corporate profits soaring to 15 year high, having direct impact of slow-down of the economy through squeeze and curb on consumption demand. This has in fact exposed the real face of the NDA Govt’s destructive project behind the shrill noise on its so called Vikasit Bharat programme.
The phenomenon of continuing slow-down in economy and its devastating effect on lives and livelihood of the mass of the people, together of fortune of the corporates climbing an obscene height reflects an ugly perversion in the entire economic policy regime.
The situation demands an expansionary budget, funded out of taxing the corporate and the rich who made illegitimate fortune out of Modi regime’ policy bias in their favour without contributing anything worth either towards quality-employment generation or wealth creation for the national coffer. Despite concessions showered on them including direct resource transfer from various deceptive mechanism during the process of last one decade or so under the stewardship of Modi Regime, private investment did not practically increase much despite meteoric rise in corporate profit accompanied with worsening unemployment as well as aggravating working poverty situation.
But Union Budget 2025 turns out to be a contractionary one, targeting a further lower fiscal deficit target of 4.4% from 4.9% last year. This together with continuance of the hefty concessions awarded to corporate class on their tax obligations over and above the direct transfers to them from national exchequers through various production/capex incentive schemes, employment linked incentive etc and also through Insolvency Bankruptcy Code (IBC) route means further squeeze on expenditure on improving peoples’ welfare and livelihood. And in tune with such an approach, increase in corporate tax collection is estimated at 10.4% only which is insignificant and extremely disproportionate compared to the hefty profit minted by them.
Aggressive privatization through National Monetization Pipeline Route has been reiterated with an ambitious target to garner Rs 10 lakh crores in next five years to partially neutralize the revenue foregone in favour of the private corporate, domestic and foreign which will lead to handing over precious infrastructure including Power, Oil, Transport and Highways, Coal and other Minerals including the precious Minerals , public service network etc to private sector, both domestic and foreign with a focused target of withdrawal of state’s involvement from all those critical and strategic segments of the national economy, altering its basic foundation altogether, fiercely to the detriment of the national interests and its security.
It has pushed further the pace of privatization under the deceptive nomenclature of Private Public Partnership model in every aspect of economy from rural to urban development and every sector from road to space technology. This means in reality the public investment mainly to be exploited for development with operational control with private hands. While the Electricity employees across the nation are up in arms against privatization the Union Budget has offered the concession of increasing the loan borrowing limit of state Govts by 0.5% of the GSDP provided they further the power sector privatization, particularly of the distribution segment. The Allocation for states has also been reduced compared to the previous year in real terms.
The FDI in Insurance sector is increased to 100% from 74% clandestinely through finance Bill in the face of Govt’s failure to pass the Insurance Amendment Bill owing to employees’ struggle. The several Funds proposed like Maritime Development Fund, Urban Challenge Fund, India Infrastructure Project Development Fund are all on Public Private Partnership (PPP) Model, i.e, public fund to be exploited by private for private gains and control which is only a precursor to the privatization.
The Govt has succumbed to USA pressure of opening up the Nuclear Energy sector to the Private Sector for which it has proposed to amend Atomic Energy Act and Civil Liability Act for Nuclear Damage Act.
While the National Manufacturing Policy 2010, Production Linked Incentive(PLI) Scheme 2019 of Rs.1.97 lakh crores and Capex Incentive of Rs.76000 crores and the latest last Budget’s Employment Linked Incentive (ELI) Scheme of Rs.2 lakh Crores claimed to have been brought to raise the contribution of manufacturing sector contribution to the GDP to 25%, it did not yield any worthwhile result except channelizing public fund to private kitties, the present budget has introduced another drama of so called National Manufacturing Mission to further Make in India centering around MSME’s while the investment and turnover thresholds have been raised to accommodate the bigger industries into the MSME category, mainly to ensure the benefit of public funds for the biggies.
While much is talked about Agriculture, the Budget estimate for 2025-26 is Rs.2.12 lakh crores less than the Actuals of 2023-24 for the Agriculture and allied activities. For Rural Development also it is Rs.3675 crores less. For Rural Employment also it is Rs.3302 crores less and for MNREGA it is Rs.3268 crores less. For Irrigation and Flood Control also it is Rs.3390 crores less.
It is shocking that the Railway Budget has suffered a cut to Rs 2.55 lakh crores from Rs 2.62 lakh crores previous year. And for Railway Safety it is Rs. 322.50 is less while accidents including fatal ones are increasing alarmingly year on year. Further cut in budget of Railways also indicates the philistine approach of policy makers to hand over Railway operation to privatization process through NMP route.
In the face of aggravating and widening impoverishment countrywide, allocation on Pradhan Mantri Garib Kalyan Anna Yojana (PMGKAY) has been drastically reduced by Rs 2250 crores. And total food subsidy has also faced a drastic cut by Rs 8364 crores in the current budget compared to actual expenditure in 2023-24.
The Finance Minister in her speech hailed the Saksham Anganwadi and POSHAN 2.0. (Earlier ICDS) Scheme and announced that the “cost norms for these nutritional norms will be enhanced” for the scheme. The statement turned out to be deceptive as the budget allocation for Saksham Anganwadi and POSHAN 2.0. Scheme for 2025-26 is Rs. 21960.00 Cr against Rs. 21809.64 Cr budget expenditure in 2023-24, a mere increase of Rs.150.36 Cr. The budget estimate last year was Rs. 21200.00 Cr. If we consider the inflation, there is actual reduction in budget allocation.
The cost norms for the supplementary nutrition were last revised in 2017. Even if we calculate it as actual increase, for around 10 Crores beneficiaries (8 crores children and 2 crore pregnant women lactating mothers for 300 days a year) the increase in cost for nutrition in this budget is a ridiculous 5 paise per child after seven years!
Budget allocation for Mid-Day-Meal (MDM) in the current budget is only Rs. 12500.00 Cr which is drastically below the budget allocation of Rs 12800 crores made in 2022-23 reduction from the budget. The cost norms for the food or the wages for the mid day meal workers which was last revised in 2009. The ASHA workers’ honorarium/incentives have also not been revised.
While the Indian economy is facing the demand constraint crisis and the Private sector Capex is not increasing the Govt Capex which was allocated in the previous budget is also not spent fully and in the current budget again Rs 10 lakh crores has been allocated which is lesser than the previous allocation mainly focusing on the infrastructure sector which is already put in the pipeline of notorious NMP.
The Economic Survey while painting a picture of slow-down and alarming increase in profit-wage growth disparity, prescribed most ridiculously total deregulation and withdrawal of States’ direct involvement/participation in economy management/activities—all aimed at ensuring “ease of doing business”. Accordingly the Budget statement atrociously announced further decriminalizing the 100 provisions of corporate offences through Jan Vishwas Bill 2.0. Previously the 2023 Act had already decriminalized 180 such provisions. By this, the government is essentially giving a free pass to corporations to flout and violate laws and regulations including their statutory obligations towards workers and the people with impunity. This move is a blatant assault on the rule of law and undermines the already fragile trust in institutions. It sends a disturbing message that corporate profits take precedence over public interest and that those in power are willing to bend over backwards to accommodate their corporate patrons.
Centre of Indian Trade unions (CITU) decries the Union Budget as a deceptive way of furthering loot and plunder without addressing the concerns and plight of working class of the Nation. CITU calls on the Workers and other sections of people to join Nationwide Protest action against this anti worker anti people anti national budget furthering the interests of neo liberal forces on 5th February 2025 across the nation in mass.
Issued by,
Tapan Sen
General Secretary
Centre of Indian Trade Unions (CITU) denounces the so called truncated Unified Pension Scheme (UPS) notified on 24-1-2025 by Department of Financial Services, Ministry of finance, Govt of India and demanded restoration of Old Pension Scheme.
As anticipated as per the Notification, UPS will be an option within the National Pension System effective from 1-4-2025. In spite of much orchestrated high-decibel campaign at the time of announcement of this so called “Unified Pension Scheme (UPS)” as Union Cabinet decision in August 2024, the reality is exposed as at the outset it will not be called pension but is termed as Assured Pay Out or Family Pay Out. It turned out to be utterly deceptive one on many counts
It is funding-based-pension system relying on the regular and timely accumulation and investment of applicable employee and employer contributions. Employee contributes 10% of Pay +DA. Government contributes same 10%. Both will be invested in default investment scheme or as per employee’s option. Contributions and the reruns will be called as Individual Corpus(IC). Government will contribute additional 8.5% of Basic Pay +DA, which is investable as per the option of the Government.The contribution and the returns together are termed as Pool Corpus (PC).
To avail full benefit of the Scheme employee must authorise to transfer entire Individual Corpus to the Pool Corpus. If the employee had made partial withdrawal during the service he will have to make additional contribution to avail full benefit.
The initial announcement of August 2024 after Union Cabinet decision that the employee will have an option to withdraw up to 60% and get proportionately less pension has turned out to be another Jumla made by the Union Govt as same does not find mention in the final Notification dated 24-1-2025.
In case an employee partially withdraws or his contribution or employer contribution was not made for some period the Individual Corpus will be less. In such case PFRDA will compute a benchmark contribution taking in to account what would have been the employee’s Individual Corpus had he not withdrawn or had he or employer paid fully the contributions.That assumed amount will be called Bench Mark Contribution (BC).
The employee is eligible for the scheme if he has been superannuated or compulsorily retired as a penalty earlier, with effect from the scheduled date of superannuation or retirement. In case the employee wishes to voluntarily retire he can opt only after 25 years of qualifying service.But he is eligible for assured pay out only with effect from the date he would have superannuated.Employees removed,dismissed or resigned or not eligible for assured pay out, what happens to their individual corpus has not been spelt out.
One who has less than 10 years of Service is also not eligible for assured pay out.There is no mention about his individual corpus.The employee should have 25 years of qualifying service to get 50% of last 12 monthly average Basic Pay. Even if one has put up more service, only 25 years of service or 300 months will be taken into consideration for calculation. Assured Pay Out will be proportionately less for those below the qualifying service. If the individual corpus of an employee is less than the Bench Mark Corpus, the assured pay-out will be further reduced proportionately. Minimum pension on superannuation if employee transfers Benchmark Corpus will be Rs 10000. If the Individual Corpus is less than the Benchmark Corpus the minimum pension will be less than Rs 10000. Which means the minimum pension of Rs.10000 is also not guaranteed as claimed earlier while the scheme was announced.
Family Pay out will be 60% of assured pay out.The protection of minimum pay out of Rs 10000 is not applicable to family pay out. Dearness relief will be worked out in the same manner as dearness allowance applicable to serving employees. But the Notification does not clarify as to whether the same rates will be made applicable to Assured Pay Outs under UPS.
As the Assured Pay Out is available only if an employee authorises to transfer total individual corpus to Pool Corpus, a lumpsum of 10% of pay plus DA for every 6 months qualifying service is made. One who has less than 10 years of qualifying service is not eligible for the lump sum.
Retirees who retired in NPS are also eligible for UPS and will be paid arrears adjusting the withdrawals and annuities.PFRDA will decide the top up amount to be paid by such retirees. PFRDA will issue regulations to operationalise the scheme.
As per the Notification 100% of individual corpus will be taken over by Government and Pension of 50% of the last month pay even for minimum of 10 years of service is not there. Assured Pay out will be proportionately reduced for lesser period of service and for lesser amount transfer to government. Minimum pay out guarantee of Rs 10000 is not applicable when bench mark corpus is not transferred to government and for family pay out Central Dearness relief is not certain. There is no commutation, no additional pension for 80 years and above, no revision of pension after Pay Commissions, Family pension is restricted to spouses.
So, under this so called Unified Pension Scheme of “Assured Pay Out”, nothing is “Assured” as propagated in August 2024, the 24th January 2025 notification invoked hundreds of “ifs and buts”, for squeezing and deceiving the employees further
Hence the Notification has vindicated that the so claimed UPS is a model of deceptive exercise on the mass of the employees to deprive them of their legitimate and established right to pension by Modi Led Govt, true to its colour of not walking to its talk as done in the past 10 years. Hence CITU Denounces the UPS and demands unconditional restoration of Old Pension Scheme and shall continue to stand firmly with the employees’ ongoing struggles for nothing less than Old Pension Scheme.
Issued by,
General Secretary
CITU Denounces the Privatisation of FSNL
Yet another heinous offence has been committed by the BJP government by way of handing over the Mini Ratna designated CPSE M/s Ferro Scrap Nigam Limited (FSNL) to M/s Konoike Transport Co. Ltd. , a multifaceted Japanese corporation listed on the Tokyo Stock Exchange. FSNL is a 100% subsidiary of MSTC Limited which has made a disclosure on 21st January 2025 that pursuant to share purchase agreement dated 24th October, 2024 executed by MSTC Limited, FSNL and M/s. Konoike Transport Co. Ltd., 100% equity shares of FSNL has been transferred to M/s. Konoike Transport Co. Ltd. and accordingly, FSNL ceases to be a subsidiary of MSTC Limited.
The move of privatizing FSNL has been going on since last one decade or so and the united struggle by the workers could stall it so long.
Soon after the signing of the share purchase agreement dated 24th October, 2024, the functional unions of FSNL in various Steel manufacturing units of SAIL objected the move vehemently urging the government to desist from such an anti national move, but the same was not given any heed to and the Steel Ministry intimated in writing that “Protection of FSNL employees services will be governed by the relevant clauses of the Share Purchase Agreement’ signed between MSTC Limited and Konoike Transport Co. Ltd on 24.10.2024….. This ministry has nothing to do in this matter.” The so called relevant clause in the Share Purchase Agreement specifically states that “the company shall not remove or retrench any part of the Employee for a period of I (one) year from the closing date”. Not only that through such a Share Purchase Agreement, the government has paved the way for privatizing the entire scrap handling business of the country exclusively to private players.
A company having a reserve fund of about Rs. 200 crore and movable assets worth Rs.100 crore employing more than 600 employees and 5000 contract workers, giving a dividend of Rs. 7/- to Rs.9.5/- per share of Rs.10/- to the government every year, can in no way just be doled out to any private entity in such a clandestine fashion. CITU centre has expressed concern over the issue of privatisation quite a number of times through issuance of letters to the concerned ministry requesting them to desist from such move of strategic disinvestment of FSNL giving full justifications against the move. But when privatization of public assets to private hand is the primary agenda of Modi led BJP Government, obviously there was no response!
Centre of Indian Trade Unions (CITU) vehemently condemns the activity of the government and calls upon all sections of the working class to rise in rage and united condemnation of such an anti national activity of the government which has to be combated through counter offensive of demanding stoppage of selling out such a golden egg producing company to a private entity because of its sheer obsession for privatization and obedience to private corporates’ interest.
Issued by
Tapan Sen
General Secretary
CITU welcomes the ceasefire in Gaza Israel must adhere to the Ceasefire deal
The Centre of Indian Trade Unions(CITU) welcomes the recent ceasefire agreement between Hamas and Israel, bringing an end to the 15th months long genocidal war on Gaza resulting in more than 46 thousands deaths of innocent Palestinians mostly women and children. CITU hopes this ceasefire will pave the way for a lasting peace and end to the Israeli occupation and lead to a comprehensive reconstruction of devastated Palestinian territories. Thousands of lives could have been saved and much destruction avoided if a ceasefire could have been achieved much earlier, which was possible.
While welcoming the ceasefire agreement CITU vehemently condemns the rouge Israeli state for most brutal most inhuman genocidal war on Gaza which has resulted in the loss of numerous lives, injuries and widespread destruction. It is very shocking to note that Israel intensified strikes on Gaza hours after the ceasefire agreement was announced, heavy Israeli bombardment killed 32 people late on Wednesday, the strikes continued early on Thursday and destroyed houses in Rafah in southern Gaza, it seems, Israel would not adhere to the ceasefire agreement. The International Community must exert pressure on Israel for strictly adhering the ceasefire deal. The ICJ should continue with its hearing on the genocidal actions of Israel and act upon it.
CITU demands immediate withdrawal of Israeli forces from occupied Palestinian territories and immediate humanitarian aid and assistance must be facilitated to the people of Gaza. CITU demands immediate lifting of the blockade on Gaza, ensuring free movement of people and goods. CITU also demands investigations and prosecution of Israeli war criminals.
CITU one again appeals to the International community to intervene and ensure that Israel respects the international law and ceasefire deal. CITU reiterates its unflinching solidarity and support to the Palestinian people and CITU firmly supports Palestinian people’s right to self-defence against occupation. CITU demands a permanent end to the Zionist occupation and a free Palestine and recognition of Palestinian state on the basis of UNSC resolution for two nation solution.
Issued by
Tapan Sen
General Secretary
CITU Condemns the Statement of L&T Chairman urging Introduction of working hours of 90 hours a week… Demands 5 days week and 35 hours work
Centre of Indian Trade Unions (CITU) vehemently condemns the statement of the Chairman of Larsen & Toubro (L&T) urging for to extending the working hour to 90 hours per week. Similar satanic statement was earlier made by the Infosys Head N.R. Narayan Murthy, urging for increasing working hour of 70 hours per week through statutory measure. It seems that there is a rogue competition among the corporate messiahs to rinse the blood and sweat of Indian workers and they are in active connivance and collaboration with the corporate-communal regime in governance by Modi-led NDA.
Indian workers, even the permanent ones in the formal sector, are deployed in much more hours of work compared to more productive countries like China, Europe and even the U.S. The stretching of working hours is very disastrously impacting upon the health and social life of the Indian workers. Despite that, these sort of satanic exercise are being made by the corporate class only to further minimize employment as well as labour cost with brutal working conditions to facilitate more intense exploitation on the workers for profit, cost cutting, in the guise of efficiency and productivity, which have led to 11486 suicides in 2022 as per records of Crime Bureau. The extent of severity of inhuman extraction from labour can be seen from the share of wages in net value addition going down sharply to 15.94% in 2022-23 from 27.64% in 1990-91 while share of net profit jumping from 19.06% to 51.92% during the same period as per Annual Survey of Industries report, besides aggravating joblessness.
Such desperate and filthy competitive bid by the leading corporate houses one after another to increase working hours is in conspiratorial connivance with their obedient Govt at the centre; the Labour Codes already contain provision for such enhancement of working hours through executive decision through appropriate govts. Although the Labour Codes could not yet be notified owing to resistance by trade union movement, we have seen numerous attempts/moves by the BJP ruled state govts and some non-BJP state govts too making exercises to increase working hours to 12 hours a day, which are also being resisted by united trade union movement in many states.
CITU calls upon all sections of the working class to rise in rage and united condemnation against such ugly competitive arrogations by the capitalist class and prepare for united countrywide resistance and combative actions both at workplace and national level in the days to come against conspiratorial satanic move of onslaught on their basic labour rights and social lives.
These filthy offensives by the employers class has to be met with the counter offensive of demanding and fighting for lesser working hours a day and working days a week as per World Federation of Trade Unions (WFTU) demand of 7 hours work a day and 5 days work a week.
Issued by
Tapan Sen
General Secretary
Red Salute to Comrade K M Tiwari
CITU expresses its profound grief at the demise of Veteran Trade Union Leader and former Working Committee Member of CITU Comrade K.M Tiwari, on 10th December, 2024. Comrade Tiwari has been struggling with cancer. He was 70 years.
Comrade Tiwari started his trade union activities in 1970s as an industrial worker of Swadeshi Polytex. Sooner due to his active involvement in Trade Union activities and militant struggles, he was victimized and became a full time political activist. Comrade Tiwari spearheaded many militant actions of Industrial workers of Ghaziabad-Sahibabad Industrial area and became an organic leader of the workers. He played a crucial role in making CITU a major force in the district. Later he became the State Secretary and State President of CITU Delhi NCR State Committee. Comrade Tiwari was also the member of CITU All India Working Committe for many years.
Comrade K M Tiwari was State Secretary of CPI(M) Delhi State Committee till November 2024, he was a member of Central Committee member of CPI(M) till his death.
CITU pays its respectful homage to Comrade K M Tiwari and conveys heartfelt condolences to the bereaved family members and Comrades.
Tapan Sen
General Secretary
CITU demands Bangladesh government to ensure safety of minorities
Centre of Indian Trade Unions (CITU) expresses its serious concern about the various incidents in Bangladesh which have been threatening the safety and security of the minorities in the country.
While the fundamentalist forces are actively trying to create communal divisions, no effective measures are apparently being taken by the concerned authorities in the country to protect the minorities from attacks and ensure communal harmony and peace. CITU demands the interim government of Bangladesh to immediately take effective measures to curb communal divisive activities and ensure that communal harmony prevails in the country.
At the same time, CITU also expresses its concern at the wild and provocative propaganda in India by the Hindutva communal forces about the situation in Bangladesh. It is ironic it is the very same forces are targeting the Muslim minorities in India and disrupting unity and harmony in our country. CITU reiterates that communal divisive politics that weaken unity and united struggles against the neoliberal policies worsening the lives and livelihoods of the people, are harmful, particularly for the working class and the toiling masses, be it in Bangladesh or India or anywhere in the world.
Such attempts should be resisted by the toiling people everywhere
Issued By
Massive turnout by workers and farmers in the Protest demonstrations held today, 26th November 2024 - CTUs and SKM will intensify the struggles in the coming days
Around a million people join nationwide mass mobilisation today called upon by the Samyukta Kisan Morcha and the Joint Platform of Central Trade Unions and Independent Sectoral Federations and Associations today 26 November 2024 on the occasion of the 4th anniversary of the all India General strike by the CTUs and the beginning of the historic Delhi Chalo by the SKM.
The programmes were held in districts headquarters in most of the states in around five hundred places. The mass protests were also held in urban and rural India and in the industrial areas in many states. Lunch hour demonstrations were held in many offices in solidarity with the protest action. Leaders of the CTUs and SKM participated in various places.
In many places, police used force and even resorted to lathi charge. In Bhagalpur, Bihar, police lathicharged the workers and farmers who were demonstrating in front of the DM’s office. Six people were injured. Police has arrested three leaders.
Angered by the unprecedented rise in prices of essential food items recently, the participants resolved to intensify the joint struggles for the basic entitlements. Many a places the participation by the mass organisations of students, youth, women, teachers, other professionals and those from the field of art, culture and literature also joined with their respective demands and in solidarity with demands of trade unions and farmer organizations. At the demonstrations in front of the DM’s offices, many local demands also were raised by the platforms.
The leaders who led the demonstrations submitted to the officials a representation addressed to the President of India to seek her intervention in the interest of workers, farmers, the people at large and in the national interest. (The representation is attached for your reference).
The CTUs and SKM will meet soon to take the review of the campaign and further intensification of struggles for achieving their demands with the shift in the pro-corporate policy paradigm of the incumbent Government.
Issued by
Central Trade Unions, Independent Sectoral Federations/Associations And Samyukta Kisan Morcha
The Centre of Indian Trade Unions (CITU) condemns the arrest of CITU national Vice President A.S.Soundarajan, State Secretary E. Muthukumar and other Samsung Workers on strike, removing the pandal at the protest site at Sriperumbadur by the Tamil Nadu State Govt and urges the state Govt to uphold the right of the workers to form the Union.
CITU condemns the efforts of the three Ministers of the state Govt to shield the management of Samsung denying the basic statutory right of workers to form the Union and enabling the pro management strike breaking minority workers to enter into a Memorandum of Agreement in the name of Works Committee.
The majority of the workers resolved to form the Union and have applied for the registration of Trade Union under the Trade Unions Act 1926 which is not registered until now by the state Govt. In the meantime the management has not recognized the Union but has come up with the Works Committee which is illegal and unlawful pending the registration of Union. Further the Samsung Management’s denial to recognize the Union, and discuss with representatives’ of the Union violates the law of the land and ILO Convention- CO87: The Freedom of Association and Protection of Right to Organize Convention-1948 & the Convention- CO98: The Right to Organize & Collective Bargaining Convention-1949.
The CITU held protests across the nation in solidarity with the striking Samsung workers on 8.10.2024, urging the State Govt to intervene and uphold the right to Union of the workers. But the State Govt Ministers have stood with the Samsung Management against the workers while the Court has upheld the right of the workers to protest and released the arrested leaders and workers. Please find the press release of the CITU Tamil Nadu State Committee attached for the latest updates and details.
Issued by,
Tapan Sen
General Secretary