Homage to Comrade Rajdeo Goala

Centre of Indian Trade Unions (CITU) is deeply grieved at the demise of Comrade Rajdeo Goala veteran leader of the trade union movement in West Bengal. Comrade Goala was admitted in a nursing home at Kolkata for age related ailment a few days back. He breathed his last today, 30 December 2021 at around 2 A.M. He was 92.

Born in a working class family Comrade Rajdeo Goala became a Tram worker in Calcutta Tram Company at the age of 15 and was initiated in trade union struggles in the tram company and other public transport sectors. He held various responsibilities in CITU West Bengal as well as at national level. During the pre independent 1946 bloody riot in Kolkata, Comrade Rajdeo Goala led the heroic resistance struggle against divisive communal forces.

Comrade Rajdeo Goala was elected as All India Working Committee Member of CITU from its founding conference in 1970 held in Kolkata. Comrade Goala was also elected as State Secretariat member of CITU West Bengal committee from its first conference in 1971.   

Comrade Rajdeo Goala was a member of West Bengal state legislative assembly from 1991 to 2006.

Comrade Rajdeo Goala joined left movement in 1940’s, he became the Member of Communist Party of India in 1953. After the formation of CPI (M) in 1964, he was elected as state committee member of CPI (M) West Bengal. He was also jailed for long period for his political activities.

CITU conveys its heartfelt condolences at the demise of one of its senior leaders to his family other comrades.

Tapan Sen
General Secretary

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