CITU Congratulates the working Class and the peasantry and the people for the magnificent  observance of ‘Save India Day’ on 9 August 2020


Nearly one crore people in around one lakh places held satyagraha/jailbharo/demonstration despite Lockdown restrictions  throughout the country with slogan “India Not For Sale” “Corporate Loot, Quit India”

Centre of Indian Trade Unions (CITU) congratulates the working class and the peasantry for the massive protest action on 9 August 2020,- on the famous Quit India Day against the anti-national and anti-people policies of the Modi Govt.

As per the reports received yet, nearly one crore workers in one lakh places all over the country participated in the action defying the governments and braving repression and threats. Programmes were held today in AP, Bihar, Delhi, Chhatitsgarh, Gujarat, Haryna, HP, Jharkhand, J&K, Kerala, Maharadhtra, Mp, Odisha, Punjab, Ranjasthan, UP, Uttarakhand and West Bengal. In all the states peasantry also joined the action especially at the village level. In many states the participants were arrested and detained. In Tripura the women workers who participated in the satyagraha in Agartala were arrested and detained.

In Delhi programs were orgnised in different industrial areas as well as at Janatar Mantar in which the national leaders of the Central Trade Unions participated. The meeting held there was addressed by Tapan Sen ,General Secretary, CITU, Amarjeet Kaur, General Secretary AITUC, Ashok Singh Vice President of INTUC, R K Sharma National Secretary of AIUTUC, Jawahar Singh of LPF, Rajeev Dimri, AICCTU etc. National leaders of CITU K Hemalata, President, M L Malkotia, Treasurer, J S Majumdar, Vice President, S Devroye, A R Sindhu, Amitava Guha, secretaries also participated in the programme at Delhi. V M Singh convenor, All India Kisan Coordination Committee (AIKSCC) which has also joined the call of Save India Day, addressed the meeting. Leaders of AIKS, Hannan Mollah, General Secretary Vijoo Krishnan, Secretary and P Krishnaprasad, Treasurer, Marium Dhawale, General Secretary, AIDWA also joined the protest in New Delhi. Leaders of Insurance, Bank, Defence, Railways etc has also participated in the programme. Striking ASHA workers in Delhi joined the programme in large numbers.

In number of states the programme will be held on 10 August 2020 due to various reasons including complete lockdowns. A joint mobilization by the Central Trade Unions was held at the historic Azad Maidan in Mumbai where the call for ‘Quit India’ movement was announced. In various states organisations of youth, students women etc also joined the programme.

The main feature of the action today is the growing unity in action among the workers, peasants and agricultural workers at the grass root level drawing other sections of the society in the struggle. The massive participation of the scheme workers who were on strike on 7-8 August 2020 was visible in most of the states. The magnificent response from all sections of the people to the call for resistance and defiance shows the possibility to channelize the growing discontent among the people to build a joint movement of the working people based on a strong worker- peasant alliance.

Tapan Sen , 
General Secretary

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