Successful Strike of Scheme Workers : Thousands of ASHA and Anganwadi Workers went on Strike on the first day of the Two Days Strike on 7-8 August 2020

As per reports received till now, thousands of ASHA, Anganwadi, NHM, MDM workers came on the streets on 7th August 2020,defying the government,  on the first day of the two days’ all India strike, demanding safety and insurance, rights of recognition as workers, minimum wages and pension, risk allowance and compensation, and health, food, employment and income to all. The strike was called by the Joint platform of Scheme Workers Federations and Unions affiliated to the Central Trade Unions.

In Assam, AP, Bihar, Chhattisgarh, Delhi, Gujarat, Haryana, HP, J&K, Jharkhand, Karnataka, Kerala, MP, Maharashtra, Odisha, Punjab, Tamil Nadu,Telengana, UP, Uttarakhand and West Bengal various scheme workers held demonstrations. ASHAs demonstrated in front of the PHCs and CHCs. Anganwadi workers and helpers held demonstrations in project headquarters. Due to the pandemic situation many held demonstrations at village and centre level jointly and independently. In some states where there is an emergency situation with floods, they have boycotted work for two hours and worked wearing black badges. In Kerala in spite of heavy rains ASHA workers demonstrated in front of central government offices and sent memorandum to the PM. In many places, the family members and the public also joined the striking workers.

There are scores of cases of ASHAs and anganwadi workers died during covid-19 duty. Except for a couple of cases, no insurance amount was paid to the family. Hundreds of ASHA and anganwadi workers are getting infected daily. The governments are not even providing the basic safety gear to these workers. Upto six months’ wages are pending in many states. Mid day meal workers did not get any wages since lockdown. In many states the frontline workers are planning to continue the struggle if their immediate demands are not met.

We congratulate the scheme workers for their successful strike and thank the working class and the public for their support and solidarity to their militant struggles for our long pending demands.

The scheme workers will be on strike tomorrow and will join the countrywide jailbharo/satyagraha on 9 August 2020 called by the central trade unions and supported by the peasant organisations against the anti people anti national policies of the BJP led NDA government.

Issued by
A R Sindhu, Secretary

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