Homage to Comrade Mamoni Dutta

CITU expressed shock and grief at the sudden demise of Com.Mamoi Dutta, veteran leader of the CITU Assam. She passed away yesterday night at a hospital in Dibrugarh while undergoing treatment for Covid-19.

She joined CITU as a worker at the Namrup unit of the Fertilizer Corporation of India in1968-69. She became state committee member of CITU 1994-95. She was associated with working women’s coordination committee in 1980s. Comrade Mamoni Dutta led the working women’s movement in Assam and was the convenor of the state coordination committee of working women (CITU) and a member of AICCWW(CITU) for a long period. She was an office bearer of CITU. She was a staunch defender of equal rights of women workers. While she was a leader of organized sector workers she had also organized the unorganized sector workers including mid day meal workers in the state.

Her demise is a great loss for the trade union movement in General and working women’s movement in particular in Assam.

We pay homage to the departed leader and convey our heartfelt condolences to her family, her husband who Is under treatment in the hospital and two sons and a daughter  and also to her comrades.

A R Sindhu
Convenor, AICCWW(CITU)

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