All India Strike of Scheme Workers on 7-8 August Satyagraha/Jail Bharo on 9 August 2020

The Unions and federations of scheme workers (anganwadi, ASHA, MDM, NHM, Samagra Sikksha etc) affiliated to the Central Trade Unions (INTUC, AITUC, HMS, CITU,           AIUTUC, TUCC, SEWA, AICCTU, LPF,   UTUC) will go on two days strike on 7-8 August 2020.

The scheme workers many of them are frontline workers in the fight against Covid- 19 are forced to take this step after four months of the outbreak of the pandemic and the lock down because none of the minimum requirements for them – safety, insurance and risk allowance- are provided by the government. Many of the workers have died due to Corona during this period. Even their monthly wages are not paid for months together. 

Strikes and struggles are going on in different parts of the country. In Bihar, the ASHA workers are on strike from 6 August 2020. In some states and areas where the Covid-19 situation is very bad, the scheme workers will work wearing black badges.

They will join the satyagraha/jailbharo called by the central trade unions on 9 August 2020, Quit India Day with the slogan of “Save India”(keeping physical distance and all norms by WHO)

The demands of scheme workers

  1. Withdraw the proposals for privatization of basic services including health (including hospitals), nutrition (including ICDS and MDMS) and education Stop Privatisation of PSEs and Services.
  2. Make the Centrally Sponsored Schemes like ICDS, NHM and MDMS permanent with adequate budget allocation
  3. Implement the recommendations of 45th and 46th ILC for regularization of scheme workers as workers; Pay Minimum wages Rs.21000 per month and pension Rs.10000 per month; Provide ESI and EPF to all scheme workers
  4. Enact legislation for right to universal healthcare as in case of right to food and right to education
  5. No Pro employer change in Labour Laws in the name of codification; No increase in working hours and freezing of Labour laws in the name of Covid Crisis. Include scheme workers in the category of workers
  6. Free ration /food for all the needy and Rs.7500 per month for all non taxpaying families for six months ; Ensure Jobs and income for all
  7. Safety gear for all frontline workers, especially the ASHA workers, anganwadi workers and those in the health sector; PPEs for those who are engaged in containment areas and red zone ; Frequent, random and free Covid-19 test of all frontline workers; Do not engage those who are above 60yrs and those who have health problems in Covid-19 Duty.
  8. Rs 50 lakhs insurance cover to all frontline workers covering all deaths on duty and Pension/jobs for the dependants of the workers and also coverage of treatment for Covid-19 for the entire family.
  9. Additional Covid Risk Allowance of Rs.10,000 per month for all the contract and scheme workers engaged in Covid -19 duty, especially ASHA and anganwadi workers and workers in NHM. Payment of all the pending dues of wages and allowances etc., of all the Scheme workers immediately
  10. Compensation of minimum Rupees Ten lakhs for all those who got infected while on duty
  11. The existing insurance schemes  (a) Pradhan Mantri Jivan Jyoti Bima Yojana, (b) Pradhan Mantri Suraksha Bima Yojana and (c) Anganwadi Karyakarti Bima Yojana must be implemented properly with universal coverage applicable to all scheme workers
  12. Mid Day Meal Workers must be paid Rs.10000 per month for the period when the schools are closed including the summer holidays; No contractorisation or centralised kitchen
  13. Increase the budget allocation for CSSs. Provide adequate additional ration with good quality for all the beneficiaries of ICDS and MDMS immediately; include return migrants in these schemes
  14. Provide free and adequate COVID tests and treatment to all non tax-paying people; Ensure adequate facilities in quarantine centres and hospitals. Strengthen the public health system and the health infrastructure; Allocate 6% of GDP for health sector
  15. For Finance mobilisation, projects such as "Central Vista Project" be scrapped. Tax the super rich and recover the dues from willful defaulters for resources

INTUC              AITUC             HMS               CITU         AIUTUC

TUCC             SEWA              AICCTU          LPF         UTUC

Issued by
A R Sindhu, Secretary, CITU
For Joint Platform of Scheme Workers’ Federations and Unions


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