Protest against the injustice to the Mid Day Meal Workers

The All India Coordination Committee of Mid Day Meal Workers (CITU) strongly condemns the injustice done by the UPA II government to the 26 lakh mid day meal workers of the Country. Despite the written assurance given to the 45th Indian Labour Conference in May 2013 and the assurance given in Parliament that that the remuneration of the Mid Day Meal workers will be increased in the financial year 2013-14, and getting the finance ministry’s approval for the same, by not giving the cabinet approval for it, the UPA government once again proved that the labour is not in their agenda.

The Minister for HRD, Shri Pallam Raju, on 12 February 2014, assured a delegation of the AICCMDMW (CITU) that the remuneration will be increased to Rs.2000 per month (from Rs.1000 per month) and only the approval of the cabinet is awaited.But even the last cabinet meeting of the UPA II government turned its back to 26 lakh women workers by not giving the approval for the increase.

We call upon the Mid Day Meal Workers of the country to protest against the UPA government’s attitude and expose them among the workers and the people by organising press conferences, meetings, rallies, dharnas etc. all over the country. We call upon the midday meal workers to carry forward the struggle for their just demands of regularisation and minimum wages and pension and to save the scheme which provides 15% of the family calorie intake of the poor of our country.

Issued by

A R Sindhu
Convenor, Secretary CITU

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