The Centre of Indian Trade Unions denounced the brutal lathicharge by police on the peaceful procession at Kolkata on 1st October 2015 demanding impartial role of police in maintaining law and order and protection of citizens' rights instead playing a partisan role in protecting as well as assisting the TMC hooligans perpetrating atrocities on the peace loving-people.
The procession to police headquarter at Lalbazar, Kolkata was organised by Kolkata District Left Front Committee which was joined by mass of the common people to voice their indignation against the affront on the democratic rights of the people by the TMC hoodlums at the behest of the state govt in order to silence the people from even expressing their dissent to intolerable misrule and anarchy by the state govt in all walks of life. The programme had been to submit a memorandum to police headquarter urging them to play their mandated role as per the constitution of the country in an impartial, non-partisan manner.

The procession comprising several thousands of people, men and women was totally peaceful and the police pounced upon the peaceful rally without any provocation in the same style of TMC hoodlums and brutally lathicharged severely injuring many including several women.. General Secretary of West Bengal CITU, Dipak Das Gupta sustained severe head injury and had to be admitted in Hospital.

CITU condemns such brutal attack on the people without any provocation which is nothing but a ploy of the TMC Govt to terrorise and silence all opposition to their disastrous misrule in the state. The workers in the state also are facing similar atrocities by TMC-goons-Police combine in their day to day struggles including the on the occasion of last countrywide general strike on 2nd September 2015.

CITU calls upon the working class and people from all walks of life to unite and resist such fascistic and hoodlum regime in the state by unitedly asserting their democratic rights to oppose, protest and resist on every occasion and opportunities of expressing themselves in defence of democracy. CITU calls upon the CITU committees in other states to take initiative to organize solidarity in support of struggling people in West Bengal.

Issued by,

Tapan Sen
General Secretary

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