Central Trade Unions Condemn the Barbaric Atrocities on Haryana Road Transport Corporation Workers by the State Government

Central Trade Unions condemn the victimization and continuing repression of the Road Transport employees who are resolutely opposing the anti-people privatization of public transport by the BJP led Government of Haryana. The strike, at the call of the United Platforn of Trade Unions, commenced on 16thOctober and was to end on 17th October 2018. However to protest against the ferocious repressive steps of the Government the strike has been extended and is continuing with increasing number of employees joining the strike action.

For the last 3 years, the BJP Government of Haryana has been desperately trying to wind up Haryana Roadways and hand over the entire passenger transport operation to private operators. Such a move in 2017 was stalled by the trade unions through a militant strike action.  Now, the Government has again initiated steps to engage 720 private buses on lease to operate in state transport routes on ‘kilometer’ basis. It is obvious that such action of the Government is motivated to ultimately totally privatise the most efficiently rune public transport system of Haryana.

It is a matter of shock and anguish that instead of opening dialogue with the striking unions, the Government has resorted to vindictive and repressive action path. Union offices of AIRTWF, AITUC, INTUC in some places like Faridabad depot have been sealed.

Hundreds of workers have been arrested under ESMA and also other various non-bailable false charges. Suspension order has been slapped on nearly 500 employees. About 100 newly recruited employees have been issued termination notice. The government has started the process of new recruitment as well.

The Central Trade Unions demand that the government must release all arrested employees and withdraw all cases against them. Further orders of termination and suspension must be withdrawn.  

The Central Trade Unions emphatically demand that the Haryana Government must stop all steps to privatise the Public Road Transport operation and immediately start bipartite negotiations with the Joint Action Forum of trade unions to discuss and decide steps to ensure more efficiency of the public road transport operation in the state.

In the meantime the Central Trade Unions congratulate the road transport workers for giving a befitting reply to the draconian repressive measures of the government by extending the strike by two days. The strike has got full public support as well.

Central Trade Unions appeal to the working class of the country irrespective of affiliations to express solidarity to the striking employees of Haryana Roadways.


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